Our Activity range
Finance Controlling

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The strategy of your company is pointed towards the future and it will be put in practice between middle and long term. Controlling requires a clear and realistic formulation of objectives and their establishment. In order to measure the achievement of the objectives in the future, the planning is set in deep, based on exact research.

This planning is determined based on the figures of the actual accountability and reference statistics. The operative finance controlling takes in consideration, through systematic planning and control, the figures and results from the present and the past along with the task of establishing the achievement of objectives and the consequent effects over liquidity, capital equity, cash flow, sales and capital needs.

The strategic controlling considers the basis of this knowledge and the figures representation, together with the external and influential factors (social and political sphere), in order to verify and establish planning horizon and success potential.

With the purpose of increasing the company's value and its growth, it must take place an agreement about the operative tasks in the firm's management.

Comparison between plan and current figures
Plan a calendar of activities
Company's statistics (reference figures)
Strategic success factors - early indicators (early warning system)
Periodical proof of the current situation
Operative sales

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